For the most part anyone reading this can agree with me that our government is corrupt and the primary problem when it comes to wars and ordering our military to do "bad" things.
But in order for those things to get done someone has to do them. The politicians certainly aren't going to.
In come the soldiers. They voluntarily sign up to give away their rights as a person to do the biding of the gov't.
Many have honorable intentions. They feel that they can do more good than harm. They truly believe they are fighting for our freedoms. Or whatever their reason.
Some join for the wrong reasons and truly hope to kill people. People who they believe, because they listen to what the media tells them, deserve to die.
Just about all of them recognize that "innocent" people may be killed as well but accept that as a risk they're willing to take.
This is where my conflict comes in. I want to support our troops, our military, and the individuals who fight. But I can't. At least not all of them. I've seen too many pictures and stories about terrible people taking advantage of the citizens of Afghanistan, Iraq, wherever and it makes me sick.
But I also personally know a number of veterans who did not do those things, who didn't kill anyone or if they did they have deep regret for it. I know their stories and therefore I feel that I can thank them, if they'll even have it for that matter. And at that point I'm more so thanking them for waking up to what truly goes on...
But reasoning such as, "Those of us who served in Vietnam did so because we were told to. We served with dignity and pride, regardless of what the perception of the country. The same is true of Korea, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Please do not confuse the service of the veteran with the role of the politician. We did what we were asked, and we did it without asking for recognition or glory," seems like a cop out to me. Oh I was just doing my job! Well the Nazis were just doing their jobs too right? >.<
I understand that being a soldier is not easy. And it's even harder sometimes when they get out and come back to society. I'm sorry for the things that they go through but in a way I feel like a lot of them chose that fate for themselves. They voluntarily signed up. They know what I know when it comes to veterans, if not more depending on their family and they made a choice. I hope that those who have honorable intentions truly are able to make a difference, but the pessimistic side of me sees that s doubtful.
I saw a meme today that pointed out that 1 in 5 veterans are homeless, something like that anyway, and I truly wish that no person was homeless.
So, to conclude this jibberish rant that I mostly wrote for myself.... the libertarian side of me does not see this country ridding itself of a gov't in my lifetime, and even if we could I do feel that some sort of military structure (whether they were militias, or private contractors idk) would need to remain, especially if other countries still felt it necessary to peopl... BUT I truly wish that people would stop enlisting and those already in would stop taking orders. They still have the ability to make choices. I respect the Oathtakers 100%
I do not believe that my freedoms are protected by the military right now. I believe that if anything the politicians still having control over the soldiers is evidence for the fact that we are all losing our freedoms more and more everyday. Some person fighting overseas, or stationed at a base in Germany or another country we are not involved with is doing nothing to protect my freedoms, and that doesn't change when they become a "veteran." I am conflicted for a number of other reasons I cannot even begin to articulate...
What I do know is that I'm not free right now. So those fighting "for my freedom" aren't doing a very good job are they? :-\
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