My First Town-hall Meeting

Today I went to my first "town-hall meeting," "open-discussion," whatever you want to call it. I originally wanted to go talk to "my" house representative, Jonathan Singer, because he was having one this evening. I sent out a message on FB to all the people I knew who live in the same town as me asking that they go. I received a message back from my best friend's dad, Jeff, saying that there was another meeting going on the same night, tonight, but with two Senators who hadn't voted on the bills yet so our energy may be better spent there. One of them, Matt Jones (whose home phone number is 303) 666-7032 if anyone wants it...)) My boyfriend and I decided that made sense, and sent my dad a text to let him know as well, in case he could make it. 
The bills are:

House Bill 1224 – Bans magazines with a capacity greater than 15 rounds. (Passed by a 34-31 vote in the House.)
House Bill 1226 – Repeals current law allowing individuals with a concealed carry permit to carry a firearm for self-defense on a college or university campus. (Passed by a 34-31 vote in the House.)
House Bill 1228 – Imposes a “gun tax” for a background check when purchasing a firearm. (Passed by a 33-32 vote in the House.)
House Bill 1229 – Criminalizes the private transfer of a firearm. (Passed by a 36-29 vote in the House.)
So, my dad let me know that he was going and we met him there. My boyfriend and I got there a little bit late but it didn't matter because the room was full and the senators claimed that the agenda had been changed from, or had never been to, address the gun bills. So about 40 or so of us hung around outside in the hopes that this would change, or to at least be able to ambush them on their way out. At one point some intern, or would-be politician said he'd come out and talk to us about the situation, and he did and my boyfriend pinned the camcorder on him and he immediately cowered away and said, "I-I don't wanna be on camera" pretty sure he even pulled the side of his shirt up to hide his face. I'll have to review the tape on that, ha. 
So we waited around, making half-jokes about the system, and then at about 7:15 we were told that the Senator (turned out to be Matt Jones) had agreed to extend the session to talk about the bills. We all filed in at 7:30 once the education people left (which was only about 12 people) and filled in the room. Matt Jones and Representative Mike Foote were there. Foote is one of the sponsors of the 4 bills and complete pond scum. 
So people asked him what his stance was and Jones refused to answer saying this was about hearing us out. Of course. Jeff tried to get him to admit that guns are for us citizens to protect ourselves against a tyrannical government and it was just not happening. Great for camera though. 
A 40 year old woman stood up and talked about how she's a student at CU and how she had to go to night classes and sometimes her exams do not get out until 11:30 and how she is scared to walk that dark campus at night, and so she has her CCW. 1226 directly affects her and she is not ok with that.
Finally, after some encouragement from Jeff, and a complete stranger, I had the balls to just stand up and start reading the speech my boyfriend had written up before hand. 
This has to be one of the most intense things I have done in my life so far. I am so proud of myself right now, and I honestly don't want to come across as patting my ego, but it's true. I am shy, I am reserved, I rarely take initiative and am happy to be back-up support. But actually taking life by the balls is an entirely new thing for me. And I love it! So one person finished talking and I just stood up and started talking, loudly. Jones had seen me stand and still tried to point to someone else, but I prevailed. 

Here is what I read from:
"Regarding house bills 1224, 1226, 1228, and 1229. The American people are watching these bills closer than many other bills in the past. There are many reasons for this but most important of these is that, it forcibly shows the American people what their politicians actually believe in. Anytime a politician is faced with legislation designed to limit or reduce and individual rights in any way, it is that their responsibility to make sure that bill does not pass. Otherwise we would be a collectivist country, and we are not. We are a country built for individual freedom, and any time a politician votes to take even a sliver of that from us, it shows they do not believe in our agenda. A BEAUTIFUL agenda of freedom and individual liberty. These bills restrict our inalienable rights to defend ourselves and that in its own is a crime. So to our senators voting on these bills we are watching you, we will know who has betrayed their oath to uphold our constitution. We will know who no longer legitimately represents the people of this country.  This will not go unnoticed, nor will we forget who these individual representatives and senators are until we see them lose their positions in OUR government."
I was shaking...bad. I could feel myself choking up but I pushed through it and I looked them right in the eyes as much as I could to let them know that I meant them. I could literally feel the warmth and support from the rest of the people in the room. I sat down and there was so much clapping. The man in front of me turned around and shook my hand. So did Jeff, and the other man who encouraged me to stand. And a woman from the back row tapped me on the shoulder and shook my hand thanking me. I'm surprised I didn't cry! The woman who was sitting next to me is going to the Capitol on Monday because the Senate votes on these that day and she mentioned that that speech would be perfect to read there, and so I gave it to her since we had a copy on a computer. She was so thankful and shocked. I'm so glad I could help her too. 
Folks, anyone reading this, I felt so much care, concern, so much family while I was there. That is why I'm so glad I went. It was horrible to witness our supposed "representatives" act the way they did but I know in my heart that everything I'm fighting for IS worth fighting for. I wish I could somehow make more people go to a meeting like this. What an experience....
We ended at 8:30 which was 30 minutes past the Library's hours and when we were leaving a few more people came up to me and said thank you. I tried to squeeze in that my boyfriend wrote most of it, but I couldn't with everyone. He didn't care. He was just so glad I was able to read it at all, especially since the camcorder died right after, ha. We agreed that it would have more of an impact if I did since I'm a petite 21 year old female. Not many females my age are speaking out, but our voice does need to be heard, and I'm thankful I was able to make that happen. I'm also so glad that a gentleman was there who was at Columbine and saw his friends shot. I'm not glad he had to deal with that but that his voice was heard too...It was so heart wrenching. He was in the front row and looked Jones right in the eyes and told his the bills being passed would not have stopped both of those boys.
I know in my gut that what I was apart of today will not change Jones' mind, or even Foote's. I have a horrid feeling that on Monday the bills will pass the Senate. We will see.... 
At least I can say I tried. I have fought with tears, and thankfully no blood, yet. I've told all of these awful people that regardless of the law I refuse to be a victim. I do not care if it is illegal for me to concealed carry on a college campus. I will anyway. Why? Because it is my god given right to. I will not pull it out unless I absolutely need to use it, and even then pulling the trigger is not my immediate goal. I know that often the presence of a gun is enough to completely end the confrontation. I will not allow my self, body and soul to be legislated out of defending it. No way. I will not let myself be raped and know that if I had had a gun on me I could have stopped it, or stopped any future rape. Because god help any man who tries it. If I am taken completely off guard he's not getting away without some hole in HIS body, fatal or otherwise. I am still a law-abiding citizen. I follow natural law. 

I plan to post the video ASAP. 


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