Gaga Obsessed?

Am I Gaga obsessed? Probably. Or at least that's probably how a lot of people see it. The ones that don't call themselves "Little Monsters." Am I ok with this? Absolutely. I have to stick by what I love just like everyone else should and if this means I talk about her a lot, play her music over and over again, or attempt to dress like her now and then, then so be it. Hopefully my friends will still love me....
Gaga's new album comes out on the 23rd of this month and I am sooooooo excited. More excited than I've been for any CD in a long while. She's put out three singles from it and I absolutely love all of them.
Born This Way:  When this song came out there was a lot of hype surrounding it because apparently it sounds like some song that Madonna put out a long freaking time ago. I looked it up and listened and don't hear a damn similarity. I have found close sounding songs before but I don't understand the issue with these two. Stupid critics. The music video is 7:20. That is very long in music video standards and I LOVE it. She pushes those standards away and makes her own. My favorite lines from the intro include, "And thus began the beginning of the new race / A race within the race of humanity / A race which bears is no prejudice / No judgement, but boundless freedom," and, "It seems easy, you imagine, / To gravitate instantly and unwaveringly towards good / But she wondered, / 'How can I protect something so perfect without evil?'"  The entire song is then about how it's ok to be yourself. Don't let people tell you how you should be, you are perfect. I absolutely love the message she sends with this song because I've been, and still am, fighting with the concept for a long long time. "I'm beautiful in my way / Cause God makes no mistakes / I'm on the right track baby / I was born this way" We should ALL try and pass this message on to our future generations. If you don't believe in God then fill it in with what you will but tell them that the way they are was no mistake. Also, Gaga said that anyone could have wrote this song, because of how simple it is, but she was lucky enough to be the one to do it. I am so glad it was her.
Judas:  This song and music video has the Catholic Church engraged. I do not know how to explain how hilarious, awesome, and amazing I find this. I grew up going to a Catholic Church for the first 12 years of my life. Sunday School, Communion. All that jazz. Luckily I got out before I had to do all the other stupid shit that I don't even remember the names of. First time I heard this song I thought, "wtf?" is she TRYING to spark controversies? Then I watched her hour long interview with Google and in it she mentiones that we are not truly in the light unless we have shadows. I am totally miss quoting it. But more or less we have to acknowledge the bad parts of our past [our Judases] in order to truly be in the light. Now, I LOVE the music video. I think it is her best one yet and am blown away. The Church does not like the way she portrays Mary Magdalene and as I said before is very angry about all of it. Gaga made a comment in an interview that she absolutely loves Religious Art and was in no way trying to be offensive. I believe her. We, as a people, need to stop being so offended about everything. I think the video is beautiful actually. The dancing is awesome, the way it was filmed is fantastic, and the scenes are just spectacular. I like that she made it more present tense too. I also think this song and video should push more people to read the bible and any books they can get ahold of on Jesus, Mary Magdalene and that time. I watched this video the first time with my boyfriend's 12 year old sister. She did not understand most of it. This both saddens me and makes me happier. I'm sad that the younger generartions are losing these wonderful stories, but at the same time maybe religion as a whole is dying out(?) which would not be entirely bad. I do not believe in the things that the Church teaches. I consider myself Agnostic, if anything, but I enjoy reading about Jesus and such in a ficitional sense and which other people could seem for what they are, amazing stories. Just that, stories. Getting sidetracked.... Part of my point is that this video has inspired me to read more about Mary Magdalene because of all the labels surrounding her, or as Gaga puts it, "Fame hooker / Prostitute wench." If you are not familiar with the figure, then I will inform you, Gaga is not inaccurate. She made it a little bit harsher but those are the more common terms used for Magdalene. This blurb turned out longer than I ment it, but clearly I have a lot to say about the song and video... I actually now really enjoy the song. As for the video. I've watched it twice while writing this = 5 times I think...  My final thought on "Judas" is that I wish I'd written it. I consider myself to be quite poetic and she makes the song seem so simple, like even I could have done it. I love that the more you listen to it it kind of becomes more personal, like you could say  "Judas" is symbolic to your own whatever. You're own exboyriend, your own shadow, your own bad past, etc. It is what you want it to be. And the video is intriguing. I would say it is not inaccurate that many singers and songwriters stay away from controversial stuff in the way of the Catholic religion, but no, Gaga will not be frightened off by anyone. *paws up* [I also really really really want to learn the dance bad!]
The Edge of Glory:  I literally just heard this song today and LOVE it. It makes me want to get up and dance and have a crazy good time. I have not been able to catch all of the lyrics because I'm just not good at that, and unfortunately it's so new that I really can't find any of the lyrics on any site except for, "I'm on the edge of glory / and I'm counting on a moment of truth / I'm on the edge of glory / and I'm counting on a moment with you." They are good lyrics, but dammit I want them all! But regardless this song is just so fun and up beat. I love that, at least based off these three songs, her album is seeming to be very promising. I also love the that three songs are all quite different. This one has a bit of a techno feel to it at times and an 80s (?) feeling too and I love that. I didn't know it was possible to make a modern song feel old school and still feel fresh. Go Gaga! There's no video yet, but hopefully there will be. I can't wait to see what she does with it if she does make one.

I was concerned with how I'd end up feeling about this album and so far so good. I acutally love her album cover now. My intinial dislike is gone. Maybe I was influenced but so what? She is an AMAZING artist and very crazy. She is in touch with who she is and I wouldn't ask her to tone it down if I could.


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