Today I realized that we had NO dyed eggs for Easter. I set to getting the 8 eggs we happened to have hard-boiled. Even if they weren't colored there would, by golly, be hard boiled eggs on Easter.
After rummaging through the cupboards I found food coloring! I boiled 2 1/2 cups of water [1/2 a cup per color that you want] and poured it into 5 cups. I then added 1 teaspoon of vinegar to each cup along with however many drops of each color for what shade I was looking for.
My next project was finding a way to dry them. The coloring kits you buy have those cut outs on the box so it turns into a drying rack. But since this was all DIY I decided that cutting the bottoms out from original egg carton would probably work. Just be careful when pocking the scissors through... It's pretty easy but still. With my drying rack ready I started dying!
All you need is a spoon, plastic worked better for me, to scoop them out. The plastic doesn't scratch or break them as easily :-P Once you've acquired the shade and color you want, just move them to the drying rack. I flipped mine over after a few minutes so the tip would dry quicker as well. I suppose you could try putting cut outs on the eggs before dipping them so that you get cooler designs. But I didn't feel that courageous... There you have it! The cheapest way to get colored Easter eggs. Egg dying kit - $3++ My technique, priceless!
After rummaging through the cupboards I found food coloring! I boiled 2 1/2 cups of water [1/2 a cup per color that you want] and poured it into 5 cups. I then added 1 teaspoon of vinegar to each cup along with however many drops of each color for what shade I was looking for.
My next project was finding a way to dry them. The coloring kits you buy have those cut outs on the box so it turns into a drying rack. But since this was all DIY I decided that cutting the bottoms out from original egg carton would probably work. Just be careful when pocking the scissors through... It's pretty easy but still. With my drying rack ready I started dying!

I watched this movie yesterday and these are some of the things that went through my head while watching it, and afterward:
2.) Frollo is terrifying and gives me the chills....the song he sings about "hell fire" and how Esmeralda will be his or burn. And the way he smelled her hair. *shudders* Jeez Disney, is it just me or are you guys insinuating that he would do HORRIBLE things to her such as rape. Why else would he rub the gypsy scarf around his face and speak about desire? Ew
3.) I think I could handle living in the same time period as this movie :P The wine, cheese, and bread all look so good!! Definitely my kind of menu ;)
4.) Are they pronouncing Dame wrong? I feel like it's "A" as in Aim, not Dom....
5.) As blown away by how scary this movie seems I don't remember being scared by it when I was little. In fact I had lots of figurines from the movie that I played with. So why do I feel like kids shouldn't see this? I am turning into a hypocrite [or my mom...] >.< Hopefully it's just that as a kid I was so naive I didn't pick up on the things I am now...
6.) I didn't realize Demi Moore played Esmeralda.
7.) Only Disney can get away with a character talking to gargoyles that no one else sees as being real. Clearly Quasimodo isn't just deformed, but delusional as well. Yay Disney :]
8.) Speaking of Disney I should probably read the book by Victor Hugo [same title] to see everything they got wrong ;) Isn't that part of Disney's appeal? That they screw up every story they make a movie off of?
9.) Can people still claim "sanctuary"?
10.) I LOVE the music in this movie :]
2.) Frollo is terrifying and gives me the chills....the song he sings about "hell fire" and how Esmeralda will be his or burn. And the way he smelled her hair. *shudders* Jeez Disney, is it just me or are you guys insinuating that he would do HORRIBLE things to her such as rape. Why else would he rub the gypsy scarf around his face and speak about desire? Ew
3.) I think I could handle living in the same time period as this movie :P The wine, cheese, and bread all look so good!! Definitely my kind of menu ;)
4.) Are they pronouncing Dame wrong? I feel like it's "A" as in Aim, not Dom....
5.) As blown away by how scary this movie seems I don't remember being scared by it when I was little. In fact I had lots of figurines from the movie that I played with. So why do I feel like kids shouldn't see this? I am turning into a hypocrite [or my mom...] >.< Hopefully it's just that as a kid I was so naive I didn't pick up on the things I am now...
6.) I didn't realize Demi Moore played Esmeralda.
7.) Only Disney can get away with a character talking to gargoyles that no one else sees as being real. Clearly Quasimodo isn't just deformed, but delusional as well. Yay Disney :]
8.) Speaking of Disney I should probably read the book by Victor Hugo [same title] to see everything they got wrong ;) Isn't that part of Disney's appeal? That they screw up every story they make a movie off of?
9.) Can people still claim "sanctuary"?
10.) I LOVE the music in this movie :]